The colour of your hair faded
The colour of your hair faded is a work that aims to reflect on the passing of time and on the influence that passing of time has in our perception of what we make of our surroundings. The intimacy with ourselves and those who we share our lives with numbs us and addicts our view. We stop noticing the transformation and the mutation of things.
The images are about the universe of two persons who awaken to the fact that everything has changed. They appear vulnerable. They analyze their existence as individuals and
as a couple. They notice a lack of strength and fading. They search for bits of what they were and try to match them to the reality that stands before them.
The expression of the images reveals discomfort and awkwardness but also calmness. There is no irreparable pain nor radical sadness. They recognise that what always existed for them has changed and will continue changing in a process of irreversible transformation.The title of the Project The colour of your hair faded is a verse taken from a poem I read after beginning the project.
Vénus envelhecida
Arrefeceu a côr dos teus cabelos
O tempo tudo apaga e desfigura...Que palha triga, sensual,madura
O loiro resplendor que rememoro!
Chove ou sou eu que choro Desiludido?
Como era quente o ouro da seara!Ah, deusa sem tiara
Mito desvanecido! -